An Influential Leader — Rear and Front wheel of the cycle

Dr. Parag Das
6 min readDec 7, 2023

The key to successful Leadership is influence, not the Authority- Kenneth Blanchard

An impactful Leader always plays the role like both the front & rear wheels of a cycle situation based. The rear wheel is always powerful and the creator of velocity. Which creates power and helps to move on and the front wheel is the creator of direction, like a leader guides and advises the team in the right direction with the right velocity.

Any organization must have a Long term growth Plan, a Very clear Vision & Mission. To Execute these Blue Print the Organisation must have the Right Team & influential Leader in Place.

For Any progressive Organisation Growth rate depends on a few Resources like a Leader with the Right set of teams, Facilities, the Right set of Businesses and customers, and Quality Suppliers.

A very important one is the role of the Topmost Leader in the organization.

In Conventional terms the Topmost Leader we name LEADER

Leaders are responsible for a variety of internal and external duties that impact employees, the board of directors, stockholders, and customers. To maintain the confidence of these stakeholders, LEADERs should develop and use these important skills in all business interactions

So, what is a LEADER?

In a true sense, Leadership is a choice, not a position.

In general, a Leader Could be A chief executive officer or LEADER, is the highest-ranking executive in a company or organization. LEADER is the Torch Bearer for the organization.

A company’s LEADER is one of its most important employees because of their high-profile responsibilities and duties. Leaders have an enormous impact on many aspects of their business

In large corporations, the company’s board of directors and shareholders elect the LEADER. In smaller companies, the LEADER may be the company’s founder.

The company’s LEADER determines the company’s culture through their actions and expectations. A productive, positive company culture begins with a LEADER who is trustworthy and open-minded.

Sometimes, a company’s entire reputation rests on its LEADER. Because of this, LEADERs must act with decorum and integrity at all times

Leaders are responsible for making important business-wide decisions and managing overall operations for the company. They communicate with the board of directors and function as the public face of the company. In large corporations, LEADERs work closely with other C-level executives, namely the chief financial officer, or CFO, and chief of operations, or COO. In smaller companies, the LEADER may be responsible for managing the duties of the CFO and COO if those positions don’t exist in that business.

However, the LEADER must possess certain very important attributes and Hard and soft skills to do justice to his role & responsibilities and eventually succeed.

Every success and failure of the organization will depend on his depth of teamwork and leadership Quality.

Desired Educational Qualification — Relevant Qualification & SME but There should be enough relevant Technical Competence to lead the team.

Other Desired Attributes-

Good Personalities, A Humble in Nature, Commanding & Demanding in Nature. A selfless person with lots of patience.

Must have the quality to handle the failure very smoothly without losing the patience & energy and convert failure to success.

Should be resilient. The team must look up to the Leader.

The roles and responsibilities of a LEADER vary from one company to another, often depending on the organizational structure and/or size of the company. In smaller companies, the LEADER takes on a more “hands-on role”, such as making lower-level business decisions (e.g., hiring of staff). In larger companies, he or she usually only deals with high-level corporate strategy and major company decisions. Other tasks are delegated to managers or departments.

There are no standard Roles and responsibilities of a LEADER. However mainly-

1. Communication on behalf of the organization with the

Shareholders, Government entities, and the Public

2. Leading the development of the Company’s Short & Long term

Goals and Strategies.

3. Implementation of Blueprint of Vision & Mission of the


4. Review & evaluate the work of other Executive Leaders within the

Organisation including Directors, Presidents & Vice President.

5. Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape,

expansion opportunities, Industry development

6. Ensuring that the company maintains high Social Responsibility

wherever it does Business

7. Identifying the Business Risk and effective risk Mitigation plan.

8. Setting strategic goals & making sure that they are measurable and describable.

9. Having an effective and user-friendly Business Transformation

plan in place well in advance.

10. Should have the Business Visibility and execution plan for the next

10 years always.

Here are the certain skills to mention for the LEADER to possess–

1. Clear communication

Leaders must communicate with their employees using concise, easy-to-understand language. Employees must understand why a LEADER makes certain decisions or how new processes and procedures will impact their day-to-day duties and responsibilities. Additionally, LEADERs are responsible for maintaining morale and company culture with their guidance.

2. Collaboration

Good teamwork and collaboration with other C-level executives, department heads and the board of directors ensures that LEADERs have the best information and ideas to move the company forward. Leaders who work with their employees and colleagues can discover new, creative ideas and solutions through collective brainstorming.

3. Open-mindedness

Leaders should be open to new ideas and methods. Must welcome any new idea from any employee of the organization. It’s essential to establish a company culture in which the head of the company shows they care about progress and novel ideas for doing business. Open-minded LEADERs encourage company employees to try new processes and procedures, improving the business overall.

4. Approachability

A LEADER is a good Leader & should be ready for 360-degree feedback. Excellent LEADERs are friendly and approachable. Employees should feel comfortable sharing ideas or communicating with the LEADER. Leaders must solicit feedback from employees to make important decisions about company direction and internal structure.

5. Transparency

Employees, the board of directors, and the public must trust the LEADER. Transparency and authenticity increase trust in the LEADER and thus increase trust in the LEADER’s decisions and leadership. Employees may dedicate themselves to a project more if they understand why it’s important to the health and goals of the company.

6. Growth mindset

A growth mindset is the deeply held personal belief that setbacks lead to deeper learning and future success. LEADERs with growth mindsets welcome obstacles as learning opportunities. Modelling a growth mindset is also useful for a LEADER to encourage the organization’s employees to develop their growth mindsets.

7. Integrity & Ethics

Ethical leadership with integrity is instrumental for an organization to maintain its reputation. A LEADER with strong ethics and integrity can help companies successfully navigate challenges. Leaders who expect their employees to act ethically can establish an honest and open company culture that potential employees want to join and the public can trust.

8. Decisiveness

Leaders should be comfortable making confident decisions. A company’s leadership must remain committed to ideas once they have chosen those ideas. Internal and external stakeholders see a decisive LEADER as a strong and capable leader who is sure of their company’s direction.

9. Creativity and innovation

Adaptability and innovation are often the keys to a company’s long-term success. Leaders must think creatively and welcome new, inventive ideas to keep their business relevant and progressive. Leaders who value dynamic growth are more likely to helm profitable businesses.

10. Fearlessness

Navigating novel situations or tests is a regular part of a LEADER’s job. Fearless LEADERs expect and look forward to finding creative, resourceful, and profitable solutions to the challenges that accompany a growing business. Modelling a fearless attitude is a great way for LEADERs to instil this quality in their employees.

11. Own Stability

It is very important LEADER as a person himself should be very stable and balanced in his Professional, Personal and social Life. People will be looking up to him. He will be the Role Model for the employees. He should be very Calm & composed with a Charismatic character.

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Dr. Parag Das

Ph.D.|Working in Pharma Tech. Operations for 33 years, writing on topics self & vital skill development & Wellness engaging Pharma Professionals. Life Mentor.