The Consciousness- Sources of Energy

Dr. Parag Das
13 min readOct 24, 2023

“The Key to Growth is the introduction of a higher dimension of consciousness into our awareness” -LAO TZU

In Hindi Consciousness means “CHETNA”.

In a true sense, what is consciousness- Consciousness is the individual awareness of own and the world around, it is a state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings.

I read a few articles on Consciousness and mainly the book “The Map of Consciousness Explained” authored by Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. to understand a little more in-depth the Consciousness.

Whatever I have understood I would like to put it here in a simple way and a shorter way for a better understanding of Consciousness.

Dr. David R. Hawkins contributed a lot to bringing clarity to consciousness,

Dr. David R. Hawkins was renowned as a pioneering researcher in the field of consciousness.

Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph. D., is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher, lecturer, and speaker on the subjects of advanced spiritual states, consciousness research, and the realization of the presence of God.

Dr. David R. Hawkins carried out around 250,000 experiments in 25 years on prisoners to top influential and top world leaders to measure vibrations and energy levels and calibrate them in the table.

As per Dr. David’s research works it is concluded that every person lives in a specific energy field, so whichever energy field a person exists accordingly he/she vibrates from that specific energy field, and at the same time the person’s thinking capability also depends on that specific Energy field.

As per Dr. David’s research works the calibrated scale of consciousness exists from 1 to 1000, where 1 is the lowest (existence) and 1000 is the highest level of truth and energy.

These numbers do not represent an arithmetic figure, but a logarithmic progression. For example, 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150, 300 value is the 300 to the 10th power. So an increase of even a few points represents a major advance in power, the rate of increase in power as we move up the scale is enormous.

According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, Every person is born with a calibratable level of consciousness, which is an energy field within the infinite field of consciousness.

An electromagnetic field is a type of material reality, and so is consciousness. Alternatively, consciousness is one form of energy, along with kinetic energy or electrical energy.

According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, “power” is the alignment of our thoughts and actions with our highest values and it is characterized by positive feelings, which happens when the energy level is above 200.

“Force,” on the other hand, is the use of manipulation or coercion to get what we want, and it is associated with negative emotions, happens when the energy level is below 200, the lesser the energy level, the more negative the emotion is.

All levels below 200 come from FORCE and are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large, lack integrity, and do not support life in contrast all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power, have truth, integrity, and support life and creativity.

The decisive level of 200 is the critical factor point, the fulcrum that divides the general areas of force(Falsehood) from Power (Truth). Refer to the Consciousness Level Chart. Where it shows the energy level log value, emotional condition, and process at that level.

It is very important to understand that any Human Being is living and existing at a particular level of energy at any given point in time.

Dr. Hawkins laid out the entire spectrum of consciousness, from the lower levels of Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Fear, Anger, and Pride; to Courage, Acceptance, and Reason; all the way up to the more expanded levels of Love, Ecstasy, Peace, and Enlightenment. These “higher” energy fields are a carrier wave of immense life energy.

There are 17 levels of energy we can see in the above table.

Each one of these levels has its own paradigm of reality and values that define what is acceptable within its own domain, for example, in the energy fields under 200, it makes sense to nurse hatred, cheat buyers, and kill the enemy. Indeed, in certain subcultures, if you fail to carry out a revenge killing, you risk your own life, yet in the energy fields over 200, such actions would not even occur to you. In the domain of reason (400) love and prayer and other spiritual realities can not be proved with logic yet in the domain of love (500), the truth of them is subjectively convincing beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The courage of level 200 marks the shift from negative to positive energy.

It is the energy of integrity, self-honesty, and real empowerment. Supportive of life(Power)

The levels of consciousness below 200, i.e. below courage is Antilife(Force),

The courage of level 200 holds positive energy, this environment is safe & clean. Animals are attracted to people who have this energy level. They can positively influence the people around them. In this courage level, the negative feelings do not disappear in totality but there is sufficient energy to handle them because of one’s renowned self-adequacy. One can move from bottom to top by aligning with truth and love.

Energy Level 20: Shame-

The energy level of a dead person is 0. Death is very near to this energy level 20 of shame, perilously proximate to death, and faces the passive death stage. In this stage, if someone has existed for a long time, a person will have suicidal tendencies, if a person enters this stage repeatedly will face lots of mental trauma & diseases. In this stage humans become cruel. They feel that the entire universe is bad

Energy Level 30: Guilt- Those who are in this energy level 30, always want to take revenge. Many people struggle with guilt their entire lives. Serial killers, terrorists, and Criminals belong to this category. In this stage, people are victims of drug addiction.

Energy Level 50: Apathy- In this level person is not harming others but becomes inactive, and hopeless always in a sleeping mood, the self-confidence is lost in totality. It is a shameful, pathetic & depressing situation. Beggars, the Homeless & thieves exist at this level and lost the power to elevate to the next level.

Energy Level 75: Grief- when we lost someone near and dear, or any other loss which touched to heart reach this level. Long-time existence at this level will lead to depression. Business loss, chronic gambling, habitual losers, loss of jobs, money, and health are the causes of this level. Although grief is the cemetery of life, it still has more energy to it than apathy does, thus when a traumatized apathetic patient begins to cry, we know they are getting better and will begin to eat.

Energy Level 100: Fear- in this level of 100, there is a lot more life energy available, fear of danger is actually healthy. Because of fear, people can achieve so many unachievable goals but in this stage, people stay in danger and trouble and always have an anxious mindset. Fear limits the growth of the personality and leads to inhibition. In this stage self-motivation only works to elevate to the next upper level. Thus the fearful seek strong leaders who appear to have conquered their fear to lead them out of their slavery.

Energy Level 125: Desire- There is yet more energy level in this level, desire motivates vast areas to achieve in life including the economy, name, fame, and appreciation. There is also a fear behind the Desire. When Desire never brings satisfaction it leads to frustration in this level.

Energy Level 150: Anger- This level is far better than death and a hopeless situation but this level is a volatile, dangerous & unstable stage, in this level more destruction is generated. Anger over social injustice, victimization, and inequality could be the cause. Anger leads easily to hatred, which has an erosive effect on all areas of a person’s life. Repeatedly reaching this stage the person will go to the lower level, because intellect does not work or cooperate at this level, whoever gets the right guidance or mentor in this stage they are lucky to transcendence to the next upper level.

Energy Level 175: Pride- calibrates at 175, has enough vibration energy to run the USA Marine Corps. People feel positive when reach this level in contrast to the lower energy fields. It is sufficiently negative to remain below the critical level of 200. Pride is defensive and vulnerable because it is dependent upon external conditions.

Energy Level 200: courage — This is the critical level that distinguishes the positive and negative influences of life. At the level of courage, an attainment of true power occurs, therefore it is also the level of empowerment. This is the zone of exploration accomplishment and determination.

Energy Level 250: Neutrality- In this level, energy becomes very positive, flexible, non-judgemental, realistic appraisal of problems, and unattached to outcomes. For example, at this level, a person can say “Well if I do not get this job, then I will get another and better. The expectation that life, with its ups and downs, will be basically okay if one can roll with the punches is a typical 250 attitude and sense of well-being, the mark of this level is a confident capability to live in the world.

Energy Level 310: willingness — This level is the gateway to higher positive energy. At this level, the inner resistance is overcome easily in life, and very committed to participation, and open-mindedness. At this level people become genuinely friendly and social and economic success follow them. They are willing to take any job in need. They are naturally helpful to others & contribute to the good of society. They are also willing to face inner issues and do not have major learning blocks. At this level, self-esteem is innately very high and is reinforced by positive feedback from society in the form of recognition, appreciation, and reward.

Energy Level 350: Acceptance — At this level of awareness the major transformation takes place, with the understanding that one is the source and creator of the experience of one’s life. They are empowered. Taking such responsibility is distinctive of this degree of evolution, characterized by the capacity to live harmoniously with the forces of life. At this level, the people become emotionally calm and their perception is widened as the denial is transcended, see things without distortion or misinterpretation. At this level people are not polarized by conflict or opposition, they see other people as also having the same rights and honor equality, free from discrimination or intolerance.

Energy Level 400: Reason- At this level, reason is capable of handling data and making rapid and correct decisions. knowledge and education are sought at this level. Logical thinker, scientist, and Nobel prize owner comes to this level. Transcending this level is relatively uncommon by only 4 % of the world’s population.

Energy Level 500: Love- This level of love does not refer the love which is in intense emotionality, combining physical attraction, and possessiveness between two persons. Level 500 is characterized by the development of a love that is unconditional, unchanging, and permanent. It does not fluctuate, because its source is within and not dependent on external factors. Love is not intellectual and does not proceed from the heart. This love has the power to elevate others and accomplish great feats because of its purity of motive. This is the true level of true happiness. Interestingly only 4% of the world population ever reaches this level of the evolution of unconsciousness. Only 0.4% ever reach the level of unconditional love at 540.

Energy Level 540: Joy — As love becomes more and more unconditional, it begins to be experienced as an inner joy. This is not the sudden joy of a pleasurable turn of events. It is a constant accomplishment in all activities. Joy arises from within each moment of existence 540 is the level of healing and spiritually based self-help group.

Energy Level 600: Peace- This is the state of bliss. This energy field is associated with this level designated by terms such as transcendence, self-realization, and God-consciousness. It is extremely rare. When this state is achieved, the distinction between subject and object disappears and there is no focal point of perception. Not uncommonly, individuals at this level remove themselves from the world, as the state of bliss that ensues precludes ordinary activity. Some become spiritual teachers, others work anonymously for the betterment of humankind. Great works of art, music, and architecture that calibrate between 600–700 can transport us temporarily to higher levels of consciousness and are universally recognized as inspirational and timelines.

Energy Level 700–1000: Enlightenment — This is the level of great ones of history who originated the spiritual patterns that multitudes have followed throughout the ages. This is the level of powerful inspiration, these beings set in place attractor energy fields that influence all humankind down through the ages. This is the peak of the evolution of consciousness in the human realm. This level of divine grace calibrates up to 1000, the highest level attained by any who have lived in recorded history to wit, the great Avatars for whom the title “Lord” is appropriate: Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ.

On the map of Consciousness, two critical fulcrums allow for major achievement-

The first is at level 200, the initial level of empowerment. Here arises the willingness to stop blaming others and accept responsibility for one’s actions, feelings, and beliefs.

The second is at the 500 level, reached by accepting love and non-judgemental forgiveness as a lifestyle, exercising unconditional kindness to all persons, things, and events without exception.

There are 5 types of consciousness-

Conscious (sensing, perceiving, and choosing- Present),

Preconscious (memories that we can access-Past),

Unconscious ( memories that we can not access),

Non-conscious ( bodily functions without sensation- Auto), and

Subconscious ( “inner child,” self-image formed in early childhood).

Purpose of Consciousness-

Consciousness mapping serves several purposes. It helps individuals gain awareness of their own consciousness and the consciousness of others. It can be a tool for personal growth, self-reflection, and understanding one’s own emotional and spiritual development. It can also provide insights into the dynamics of human behavior, relationships, and societal patterns.

Understanding consciousness mapping can have implications in various fields such as psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, and philosophy. It can contribute to the study of subjective experiences, perception, self-awareness, and the nature of reality.

Why is consciousness important?

The experience of consciousness is functional because we use it to guide and control our behavior, and to think logically about problems (DeWall, Baumeister, & Masicampo, 2008).

The Consciousness allows us to plan activities and monitor our progress toward the goals we set for ourselves.

Techniques for Consciousness Mapping

Consciousness mapping involves various techniques and approaches to explore and understand different states and levels of consciousness. Here are some techniques commonly used in consciousness mapping:

1. Self-Reflection and Introspection: Self-reflection and introspection involve observing and examining one’s own thoughts, emotions, and experiences to gain insights into different aspects of consciousness. This technique often involves practices such as meditation, journaling, and mindfulness.

2. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires are used to gather subjective data about individuals’ experiences and perceptions of consciousness. These tools can help researchers collect quantitative and qualitative information about different states of awareness and subjective experiences.

3. Neuroimaging Techniques: Neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), are used to study brain activity and connectivity patterns associated with different conscious states. These techniques provide insights into the neural correlates of consciousness and help map brain regions involved in specific conscious experiences.

4. Behavioral Observations: Observing and analyzing behavioral responses and patterns can provide valuable information about different levels of consciousness. Behavioral observations may involve monitoring changes in facial expressions, body language, and verbal/non-verbal responses to external stimuli.

5. Psychophysiological Measurements: Psychophysiological measurements, including heart rate variability, skin conductance, and eye movement tracking, can provide objective data about physiological changes associated with different states of consciousness. These measurements can be used to map physiological markers of consciousness.

6. Phenomenological Mapping: Phenomenological mapping involves describing and categorizing different aspects of subjective experiences and consciousness. This technique aims to create a multidimensional description and comparison of states of consciousness. It may involve qualitative interviews, narrative analysis, and the use of descriptive frameworks.

7. Concept Mapping: Concept mapping involves creating visual representations or diagrams that illustrate the relationships between different concepts and aspects of consciousness. It helps organize and connect different ideas, theories, and experiences related to consciousness.

8. Experiential and Contemplative Practices: Engaging in experiential and contemplative practices, such as deep meditation, lucid dreaming, and altered states of consciousness induced by psychedelics, can provide first-hand insights into different levels and qualities of consciousness.

These techniques and approaches can be used individually or in combination to map and explore the vast and complex landscape of consciousness. Researchers and practitioners continue to develop and refine these methods to deepen our understanding of consciousness and its various dimensions.

How to identify the Consciousness level of any individual- in normal situations everyone behaves and acts in a very nice & formal way, But how an individual reacts or responds or handles an odd situation or in a crisis situation in life and overcomes it. That is the reality of the consciousness level of any individual in the true sense.

Correlation of Levels of Consciousness and Societal Problems

If you want to know more about the Consciousness, I recommend to go through two Books-

1. The Map of Consciousness Explained

2. Power vs Force

both books are authored by Dr. David R. Hawkins.

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Dr. Parag Das

Ph.D.|Working in Pharma Tech. Operations for 33 years, writing on topics self & vital skill development & Wellness engaging Pharma Professionals. Life Mentor.